Midway Baptist Church
Midway Baptist Church
Athens, AL
About Midway Baptist Church of Athens, Alabama
The Psalmist said “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD” (Ps 122:1). In addition the Psalmist stated in another passage “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name” (Ps 100:4). We believe the Psalmist meant what he said. He was excited about going to a place set aside for the worship and service of his Lord! He wanted to go to a place of worship where he could focus on giving thanks and praise to his Lord. Just like the Psalmist every Christian should have the same desire about going to the House of the Lord. Every Christian should have a place where they can attend and truly experience worship.
The family of Christians at Midway Baptist Church of Athens, AL believe people can find such a place of worship here at Midway Baptist Church. The application of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s anointing at Midway Baptist Church creates an environment where people can truly worship. It is our sincere desire that when people leave a worship service at Midway Baptist Church they can and will say, “it was good to be in the House of the Lord”.
Midway Baptist Church is a very friendly and loving congregation. We have been asked if our worship at Midway Baptist Church is “Traditional” or “Contemporary” in style. We are hesitant to classify our worship other than to say that we preach and teach the Word of God; share the Gospel with the lost in anticipation of seeing them accept Christ as their Savior; instruct the Christian in hopes of encouraging, edifying, and challenging them; we support missions; and we reach out to help people in the ways God's Word instructs us. The best way to summarize our style of worship and service would be “we try to do it by the Book – God’s Word”. We believe the Bible to be God's Word and believe It to be Holy and Infallible. If asked to describe our Fellowship the response would simply be “we preach, teach, and to the best of our understanding and ability apply Biblical Principles to all that we do”.
We have Sunday School; Worship services Sunday morning and evening; Wednesday evening Bible Study and prayer time; WMU; Brotherhood; Youth Ministry; Children’s Church; annual Vacation Bible School; Ladies Bible Study; several times during the year we have Gospel singings; and keeping with our Baptist roots from time to time we have “fellowship meals”.
In our worship time our music director believes in being lead by the Spirit of God in the songs we sing. He often describes the songs he leads the choir and congregation to sing to be traditional and "Southern Gospel".
Our teaching and preaching is based upon the Word of God – The Bible. As stated earlier we believe the Bible to be God's Word and believe It to be Holy and Infallible. We believe that our Heavenly Father is our creator; that Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son; that all humanity is guilty of sin; that God loves us so much that He gave His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to pay the debt for our sins; that Jesus Christ did in fact die on that cross, was buried, and on the third day arose from the grave and is the only source of salvation for all people; and that whosoever truly believes in Jesus Christ and accepts Him as their Savior as dictated by the Word of God can and will be forgiven of their sins and be saved for all eternity!
We believe all things are to be done in decency and in order to the Glory and Honor of God. It is not uncommon to hear amens and to see some Christians raise their hands in praise. From time to time we have testimony services on Sunday evenings.
We have a heart for missions. We are a Southern Baptist Church and we support the Limestone Baptist Association, the Alabama State Baptist Convention, and Southern Baptist Convention. In addition we support the Downtown Rescue Mission in Huntsville, AL; Limestone County Churches Involved (which ministers to the needy); Missionaries in foreign countries; Christians going on special mission trips; Alabama Baptist Children's Home; an orphanage in a foreign country; the Gideons; as well as other mission oriented efforts.
We accept membership by administering baptism to believers, or by letters of recommendation from other Baptist Churches, or by statement of faith of those who have been scripturally baptized.
As to the administration and government of the Church we have a written Constitution, written by-laws, and written policies and procedures all based upon the Word of God. We have a deacon board appointed by the Church which normally has seven active deacons. We have several standing committees which carry out many of the Church functions. The committees along with Sunday School Teachers and others are elected by the Church. The Church members approve an annual operating budget for the operations of the Church and copies of financial statements are provided to all those in attendance at the designated business meetings.
Our service times are Sunday School at 10 a.m.; Sunday morn worship at 11 a.m.; Sunday evening service at 6 p.m.; Wednesday evening Bible Study and prayer time at 6 p.m.
We would love to have you visit with us and join in with us in our worship services. If however if you can’t we invite you to visit us here at our Website and enjoy our library of past services.
May God Bless you is our prayer!