Women’s Ministries

Women’s ministries seek to develop spiritual foundations and ministry involvement within our church and community.


Alabama Women’s Missionary Union (WMU)

WMU has many ways for women and our church as a whole to participate in extended ministries.  This group provides a path for women to grow in Christ and to answer His call to make disciples.


Through devotion, prayer and mission projects, we reach out to our community and surrounding areas.  Some recent areas of ministries include:

· Samaritan’s Purse shoe boxes that are shipped throughout the world.

· Annual cookie drive to distribute cookies to our local police and fire stations.

· Snack baskets for hospital waiting areas in our community.

· Diaper drives for the Women’s Resource Center.

· The “Stuff a Purse” project for the Crisis Services of North Alabama.

· Support for our missionaries in the US and worldwide including the Annie Armstrong Easter offering and the Lottie Moon Christmas offering.


Ladies’ Bible Study

Each Spring and Fall, the ladies join together to study God’s Word, pray and fellowship.  The mission for this group is to equip, encourage and energize us as Christians to share Christ with others.


Ladies’ Night Out

The first Tuesday night of each month, the Ladies choose a restaurant to gather for a meal and to fellowship as a group.  Information regarding the location can be found on the church calendar.